Using Lists and Arrays
Element Access
  • Arrays are indexed numerically from 0
    my @years = ( 1066, 1776, 1984, 2001, 2112 );
    print $years[2];    # prints 1984

  • Accessed elements are scalar, so they take a dollar sign.
Array slices
  • Subsections of an array can be taken, called a "slice".
    my @years = ( 1066, 1776, 1984, 2001, 2112 );
    my @future = @years[3,4];
    # @future is now ( 2001, 2112 )

  • Slices can be lvalues as well as rvalues
    @list[0,1] = @list[1,0];    # swaps the first two values in @list.
    ($x,$y) = ($y,$x);          # swaps the values of $x and $y
Arrays as stacks
  • push & modify the right-hand side of the list, and return a value.
  • shift & unshift modify the left-hand side of the list, and return a value.
    my @years = ( 1066, 1776, 1984, 2001, 2112 );
    my $past = shift @years;
    my $future = pop @years;
    # $past is 1066, $future is $2112 and @years is ( 1776, 1984, 2001 )
Array functions
  • sort() sorts a list
    (Note that it's based on strings; we'll get into custom sort functions later)
  • reverse() reverses a list
  • join() glues the elements of a list together
    my @partners = qw( Dewey Cheatham Howe );
    my $firm = join( ", ", @partners );
    # $firm is now "Dewey, Cheatham, Howe";
    my @countdown = (10..1);
    # @countdown is now (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
    print join( "... ", @countdown );
    # prints "10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1"

  • split() breaks apart a scalar into a list
    my $today = "12/7/1941";
    my @dayparts = split( "/", $today );
    # @dayparts is now ( 12, 7, 1941 );
Lists in scalar context
  • A list in scalar context gives the length of the array
    my @list = (1776, 2001, 1984);
    my @n = @list;                     # @n is now (1776, 2001, 1984)
    my $n = @list;                     # $n is now 3

  • Scalar comparisons force scalar context.
    my @foo = (1,2,3);
    my @bar = qw( x y z );
    print "Match!" if @foo == @bar; # prints Match!

  • The scalar function explicitly forces scalar context. Using it is often not necessary, but it's usually a Good Thing.
    my @list = (1776, 2001, 1984);
    my $n = scalar @list;               # $n is now 3
What Is Perl?
Perl Resources
Running a Perl Program
Perl Thinking
Data Types
Strings: Single Quoted
Strings: Double Quoted
Scalar operations
Scalar comparisons
Using Lists
Control Structures
Hash Manipulation
File Handling
Regex Matching
Regex Matching: Ex. 1
Regex Matching: Ex. 2
Regex Replacing
Anonymous subs
Modules: File::Find
Modules: Internet
Modules: Win32::*
Everything Else
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